Errors consist of two parts: an error code and a message. Codes are universal, but messages can vary. Here is the error JSON payload:
General Server or Network issues
code | 描述 |
-1000 | An unknown error occured while processing the request. |
-1001 | Internal error; unable to process your request. Please try again. |
-1002 | You are not authorized to execute this request. Request need API Key included in . We suggest that API Key be included in any request. |
-1003 | Requests exceed the limit too frequently. |
-1004 | You are not authorized to execute this request. User not exit Company |
-1006 | An unexpected response was received from the message bus. Execution status unknown. OPEN API server find some exception in execute request .Please report to Customer service. |
-1007 | Timeout waiting for response from backend server. Send status unknown; execution status unknown. |
-1014 | Unsupported order combination. |
-1015 | Too many new orders. |
-1016 | This service is no longer available. |
-1017 | We recommend attaching Content-Type to all request headers and setting it to application/json |
-1020 | This operation is not supported. |
-1021 |
-1022 | Signature for this request is not valid. |
-1023 | You are not authorized to execute this request, we recommend that you add X-CH-TS to all request headers |
-1024 | You are not authorized to execute this request, we recommend that you add X-CH-SIGN to the request header |
Request issues
code | 描述 |
-1100 | Illegal characters found in a parameter. |
-1101 | Too many parameters sent for this endpoint |
-1102 |
-1103 |
-1104 |
-1105 |
-1106 |
-1111 | Precision is over the maximum defined for this asset. |
-1112 | No orders on book for symbol. |
-1116 |
-1117 |
-1118 | New client order ID was empty. |
-1121 | Invalid symbol. |
-1136 | Order volume lower than the minimum. |
-1138 | Order price exceeds permissible range. |
-1139 | This trading pair does not support market trading |
-1145 | This order type does not support cancellation |
-2013 | Order does not exist. |
-2015 | Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action. |
-2016 | Transaction is frozen |
-2017 | Insufficient balance |
Last updated